Saturday, July 2, 2011

Been a while

So last weekend was chalk full of stuff so I didn't get a chance to update this but I'll try and pack two weeks into a short synopsis.    Last week we had quite a few hispanic kids and they were for lack of a better word.... angels.  They listened for the most part, when it came to cleaning they would actually clean up their area, not just shove stuff into their bags, and were just all around great kids.  There was a little man named Jesus that had muscular dystrophy and had a wheelchair with him for the week.  Camp has a lot of gravel roads and so we figured we were going to have a rough time getting him around.   We decided as a leadership staff that Jesus would have his own personal golf cart for the week and that he was going to get to do everything he wanted.  This little guy had the rest head on his shoulders.  Such a blessing to have a kid with so little, be so kind and joyful.  I loved every minute I spent with Jesus.

As for this week.   We had some kids from inner city Atlanta that have very rough backgrounds and......   20 or so kids from Nepal who barely knew english, some had only been in the country for a week,  O and did I mention that most of them were Hindu?  Yeah.....crazy stuff.    The entire week was full of obstacles.  Language barriers, religious differences,  dietary needs.    I was so humbled by our staff and the love they poured out to all of these kids.   At times it seemed like there was literally a battle being fought between the older hindu's and out staff.   I had to remind myself constantly that I wasn't fighting the kids, I was fighting the devil.   By the end of the week, almost all of the children were asking questions about Jesus and wanting to know more.  

In my eyes just peaking their curiosity was a huge victory.  We are not here to radically change someones life, we are here to plant the seed that could one day flourish in God's favor.   I've been here 6 weeks now and am still loving it.   Keep in touch!

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