Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wished these had all been happy posts

But today has been less than good for me.   The past few Sundays have been rough to say the least.   I feel myself reverting back in my old camp self on the weekend which was sleep, sleep and more sleep.   It's all I do, and if I don't get invited to go somewhere it just adds fuel to the fire.  I'm without a car in the middle of nowhere.....what could I do, o ya sleep.  Anyways a quick update on camp.  The past two weeks were pretty awesome due to the fact that they were high school aged kids so we could really dive in.  I really saw a lot of change in some of the kids and we even were able to give a kid a guitar!(thanks alysson)  

Back to my rant.   I feel more and more of why I wanted to get out of Oregon following me here.   The summer is on the downhill side and the staff out here and starting to pick and choose who or what they will be doing that weekend.    More Sundays than not I have found myself laying in bed.   I guess I just give off a vibe that I don't want to be social.  I mean it must be me right?  Yet again friendship circles have formed and I find myself on the outside looking in.   I feel like everyone goes through this so I really shouldn't be saying it, but it just haunts me.   So just pray for my overthinking mind...... ugh

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