Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hello World!

                       So I never thought I would be sitting in an apartment in Frederick, Maryland typing up this blog.  As my travels are coming to a close and I will be headed back home soon I just wanted to take a minute to take a step back and praise God for what he has done in my life in the past 8 months.   On new years eve I was sitting in a house with some dear friends, trying to figure out just where in the heck my life was going.   At that point, it was going nowhere and man I was happy to pieces about it.  Over these months, God has really led me to places I never would of imagined myself.   I mean Georgia?! Come on.... and for years I have told my sister I was going to come visit her on the east coast with no actual intentions of doing so.  But now I'm here(Yes I felt the earthquake, no it was nothing special).
                     It just goes to show that you can never fully experience what God has in store for you until you can fully place your life, your heart, your soul into His hands.  This Summer has been such a growing experience and man, the fruits have been jaw dropping.  It has fully instilled in my heart that my calling is to children's ministry.  I have so much stacked against me, but God doesn't call us to take the easy path. And that's boring anyway :)  To jump out of your comfort zone isn't a choice, it's a necessity.   Why stay safe when you can be out experiencing God's creation first hand?
                 Home...... So many times this term has mulled over and over in my head.  To come up with a set in stone definition has been so hard.   When I left home(Oregon) I thought things would change, that going to a new place would not be home.  It would be a temporary dwelling in my continual search for a new home.   But I could not have been more wrong. Within hours of being at Camp I felt like it was home. My feeling of home turned from a physical place to a metaphorical being.  Home isn't a location, it's an idea, a movement, an all encompassing unconditional love between people.   As Christians we can leave our physical home but this is God's creation.  Everywhere we go is home.  A suburban home in Tigard,  A low income apartment in downtown Atlanta,  A hut in the middle of Burma.  Everywhere is sustained by the very breath of God and we will never be homeless in His arms.  
             All that being said I am so ready to be back at my physical home.  To be in my bed with MY puppy(my mom can claim her as much as she wants, but shes mine).  So that being said I have a surprise for everyone that actually reads this.  I will be home on the 28th of the month and staying for the forseeable future.  I couldn't keep it any longer and will probably be tagging a few people in this post so they can know :)   So other than a short trip to Montana to visit a rather special lady in my life(ask me about it and I will tell you if you want to know, crazy story)  I will be home for good.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see you! It'll be so great to hear all about your summer and just everything :)
