Monday, August 15, 2011

Bashing my head against a brick wall

You know those days, weeks, months, seasons, years where you just feel like you are angry and want to listen to rage music all the time?   Well for me that has been my past week.   I never thought I would of run into a situation where I literally want to punch a wall to get a point across(I didn't, that's stupid).   It's so frustrating to sit back and watch a friend make a choice not of their own will, but from another person.  To ask them  if what they are doing is truly what their heart and God is telling them to do and have them say, "I don't know." Just ugh, if you are reading this all I want is for you to be happy and joyful in the Lord.   I pray the choice you made will do that.
Now that I am done ranting about that I will try and update everyone as much as I can from my last post which was a wicked long time ago.   Well... camp is over and with any camp I have ever worked it is bittersweet.   I finally more than a day to take a deep breath and rest in the Lord, but the kids are gone.....  the very reason I was brought here in the first place is done for now.   I turn this page of my life and there it is, another blank page to fill with my story.  Ever gotten writers block?  Well right now, and I feel like just perpetually I am in a life block.   I have never been able to plan ahead and that, yet again, is the case.  Where I go from here  God only knows.    I have been living at camp for about a week and a half now, and I'm going to be totally honest in saying that it basically sucks.   I love this place with all my heart and it is such a beautiful creation from God, but man without little kids running around, without counselors to welcome me in the morning with a smile and a hug...... it is not fun.   Well I think it is about time for a lap around camp to start saying my goodbyes.   Cya folks

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