Saturday, June 18, 2011

First week

So the first week has drawn to a close.   I have been so blessed to be able to sit back and watch these people share the gospel with the young ones.   Today was a bittersweet day.  A lot of the counselors out here are first time counselors and to watch them say goodbye to these kids they spent the week with was pretty heart breaker.   The camp is so small that it's very hard to not learn a big portion of the kids name and stories. 

It's funny because it was probably the closest I've been to tears in a long time.  For a few minutes there I laid back and let all the goodbyes I have ever said to campers wash over me.  How back then, it didn't seem to sting as much as it did to these people in my life right now.   That says a ton about their character.   A few counselors were pushed to their limits this week.  We had a few campers that were pretty crazy(as anybody that has worked at a camp will tell you happens every week).   Our group came together and lifted them up in their burdens it was just awe inspiring to work with these people. 

Dear Chris what you said inspired me to tell a few little stories about you this week.  So my friend Chris is about 6"7 and he had the youngest boys on camp this week.   If any one of them got on anothers shoulders they still wouldn;t even be as close in height to them.    Hmm what story should i tell first.....  How about every day when you had your kids line up outside with their arms out and made sure they were all nice and covered with sunscreen.  Or maybe when your camper didn't quite make it to the bathroom so you poured water on him to make sure he didn't get embaressed. Every time I saw you, you looked pretty worn out.  And there is a very specific reason for that.   Not because you stayed up late, or spent your time laying out in the sun.  You poured everything you had into those kids and for that you got planted that tiny little seed.  The seed that will hopefully one day blossom into a strong christian built on the foundations of the attitude and full trust in God that you showed those campers.  That good enough for ya? ;)
In closing I just want to say that this weekend is about rest.  So I pray my fellow counselors are doing that exact thing.   Goodbye for now people and have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kids are here

So by the rate that this summer is going I'm going to open my eyes tommorrow and it will all be over.  The kids showed up on Sunday and it was such a great experience to meet them for the first time and see the joy they have in their eyes.   Sadly we had an entire ministry( about 20 kids) decide not to come but in the next 3 days Collette got in contact with a local pastor who in a 24 hour period had brought out 17 kids from his ministry.  It was amazing to watch kids hop off those vans that showed up a day and 2 days late and just have such a big smile that they were able to go to camp.   Camper population is at 51 right now, which is what a typical week will look like out here.  Hopefully as summer progresses we start packing out the cabins with kids ready to hear and see the gospel. 

It has been a privilege to sit back and watch most of these first time counselors interact with these kids.   You can see the mommy and daddy instincts come out in all of them.    I really can't say enough how blessed I am and will be to be around such a servanthood minded group. 

Last night we had a pretty big storm come through camp.   Well for me it was big.   A ton of wind and lightning was going on around camp and the power went out a few times.    Luckily it happened just after lights out so most of the kids were asleep and we didn't have an frightened little ones.   But man that wind was blowing hard.   At one point I found myself chasing a kiddy pool through the dark Georgia night.   Lucas went around camp this morning and sadly out wet willy slide( which literally was in working condition for a day and half) is torn apart and will be needing some repair badly in the close future.   A few trees fell here and there but for the most part God kept this camp safe.  I cannot thank him enough for that.

Well friends that's about all I have time for but if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
In Him

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's almost here!

Hey everybody!   So the past 10 days has flown by and I have so many stories to share but only a few will suffice for now.   It has been amazing to be a part of people that has grown together so quickly and so strongly.   I've heard it said multiple times from others and also feel the same in the fact that even though we have only all known each other for a week or so now that it is like we have all been friends for years.  To sit back and watch the brother and sisterhood develop has been awesome.  And then to see the respect and love between both groups has been such a great experience.  So now to 2 stories that have touched me and have been on my heart as of late.

About 2 days into everyone being here some of us had noticed that our fellow counselor Ronnell "Big
Ron" had been wearing socks literally everywhere.  He even wore them in the pool!  Well that night someone did some digging and found out that Ron had been pranked in his sleep and his toenails had been painted.   He was too embarressed to take off his socks in front of these new people with painted toe nails.   So a bunch of the guys(myself included) decided that we should also paint our toenails so Ron wouldn't need be afraid.  After we got them done we showed Ron and you could tell he just had a huge weight lifted off his shoulders.  

Last Saturday we had the wonderful opportunity of going into Macon(the closest city, from what I have seen it is the same basic size as Eugene) because there was a wedding being held on the camp grounds and we figured that they didn't want a bunch of college aged kids around.  So we go into town, get some food, and then the directors decided to give everyone on staff 10 bucks to buy whatever sort of costume we could put together in Goodwill.  It was a ton of fun to see everyone's creativity and we got some awesome looks from the locals.   Anyways the best part of the day was going to our Waterfront Director's house which is on a lake.   She has a dock and a boathouse right out back where we could jump into the water and have some fun.  Well I discovered quickly that the water was just deep enough that you could jump off the boathouse in and be completely safe.   So I went a few times and then more of the counselors started coming up and doing the same.   Then Megan came up.  Megan is the youngest on staff out here and I kind of see her as a little sister.   She was terrified of the jump and quickly got down.   After some convincing I got her to go back up and sit at the edge.  After about 15 minutes of chatting and encouragment from everyone else she jumped!   It is such a small thing in the scope of things but for her and me it was a huge step and I was so stoked for her.

Also that day at the lake was my first encounter with a snake in Georgia.  I was chatting with some people and I look over at the other side of the group and I see one of the girl counselors(Libby) staring at the ground right behind my feet.  I turn just in time to see a 3 to 4 foot black snake passing by my foot.  Needless to say I got a little freaked out and did the heeby jeeby dance a few times.   As I later found out the snake wasn't poisonous and basically wouldn't of done anything anyway, still really freaky.  

Well training came to a close on Friday night with the only way I can ever see a camp ending.  A Campfire.  As I stared into the flames everybody shared their testimonies.  This took a very long time, but was so worth it.  To sit there and hear countless stories of heartache, anger, abandonment, and then to hear that God has chosen that person to come to camp and serve is amazing.   We all have such different stories but in every story there is one thing we share.  The Cross.  His love poured out onto Calvary for our sin.  So blessed. 

Training is over, but the war is just beginning.  I can't sugar coat it, I don't want to.  We are soldiers in this battle, the person to my right and left our on the frontlines with me.  We are a mighty force.  Our weapon is His love story and our battle cry of prayer echoes across this camp.   We bring aid to the tired and weary masses whose bodies cry out for the Living word. Our leader is a wrathful, vengeful God who will fight to the end to win more to His cause so that He may pour out more of his mercy and love upon us.     

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hello everyone!  So basically the past few days has flown by.  Every single  member of staff is here now.   Over the past few days a few of our counselors have gone through and been certified for lifeguarding for the summer.  Every person that took the test passed which is truly a blessing. There is a wedding on the grounds on Saturday, which was planned last minute and has somewhat thrown a wrench into the cog of training.  But we are being gracious hosts and the people seem really nice.   After this wedding is over and moved off the grounds it is all camp all the time which I am so excited about.

What's crazy about this staff is I'm pretty sure that no one came here knowing more than 2 people.  These people have come out here with their faith in God alone and we are all depending on him in these few days to bring us together as a family in Christ for these kids.  We are seeming to mesh really well and it is awesome to just sit back and watch all these strangers come together so quickly.   I would just ask for prayer for the first drama that happens among us(it's not a matter of if, it's when sadly)  that we would be be able to handle it according to scripture and come to one another in love. 

A verse that has been on my heart as of late and just something I have been questioning about myself is 1 Corinthians 13:3.
If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, I gain nothing.
As Christians we are called to love all.   The message of the Gospel all boils down to love.   It never fails.  As the summer progress's these counselors and myself will be attacked and get frustrated.  I'd just pray that in these times they remember why they are here.  To love on these kids in every way possible.  In daily life being with these kids that we can love on them through having fun with them, sharing in heartaches, even down to disciplining them.  Some of these kids are verbally and physically abused on a daily basis for no reason at all.  We want to discipline these kids, but give them a reason and do it in love. 
You guys are awesome I love you and letters and packages are always welcomed with open arms!  Here is the address.   2559 Walkers Chapel Rd.  Roberta,GA 31078