Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kids are here

So by the rate that this summer is going I'm going to open my eyes tommorrow and it will all be over.  The kids showed up on Sunday and it was such a great experience to meet them for the first time and see the joy they have in their eyes.   Sadly we had an entire ministry( about 20 kids) decide not to come but in the next 3 days Collette got in contact with a local pastor who in a 24 hour period had brought out 17 kids from his ministry.  It was amazing to watch kids hop off those vans that showed up a day and 2 days late and just have such a big smile that they were able to go to camp.   Camper population is at 51 right now, which is what a typical week will look like out here.  Hopefully as summer progresses we start packing out the cabins with kids ready to hear and see the gospel. 

It has been a privilege to sit back and watch most of these first time counselors interact with these kids.   You can see the mommy and daddy instincts come out in all of them.    I really can't say enough how blessed I am and will be to be around such a servanthood minded group. 

Last night we had a pretty big storm come through camp.   Well for me it was big.   A ton of wind and lightning was going on around camp and the power went out a few times.    Luckily it happened just after lights out so most of the kids were asleep and we didn't have an frightened little ones.   But man that wind was blowing hard.   At one point I found myself chasing a kiddy pool through the dark Georgia night.   Lucas went around camp this morning and sadly out wet willy slide( which literally was in working condition for a day and half) is torn apart and will be needing some repair badly in the close future.   A few trees fell here and there but for the most part God kept this camp safe.  I cannot thank him enough for that.

Well friends that's about all I have time for but if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
In Him

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