Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hello everyone!  So basically the past few days has flown by.  Every single  member of staff is here now.   Over the past few days a few of our counselors have gone through and been certified for lifeguarding for the summer.  Every person that took the test passed which is truly a blessing. There is a wedding on the grounds on Saturday, which was planned last minute and has somewhat thrown a wrench into the cog of training.  But we are being gracious hosts and the people seem really nice.   After this wedding is over and moved off the grounds it is all camp all the time which I am so excited about.

What's crazy about this staff is I'm pretty sure that no one came here knowing more than 2 people.  These people have come out here with their faith in God alone and we are all depending on him in these few days to bring us together as a family in Christ for these kids.  We are seeming to mesh really well and it is awesome to just sit back and watch all these strangers come together so quickly.   I would just ask for prayer for the first drama that happens among us(it's not a matter of if, it's when sadly)  that we would be be able to handle it according to scripture and come to one another in love. 

A verse that has been on my heart as of late and just something I have been questioning about myself is 1 Corinthians 13:3.
If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, I gain nothing.
As Christians we are called to love all.   The message of the Gospel all boils down to love.   It never fails.  As the summer progress's these counselors and myself will be attacked and get frustrated.  I'd just pray that in these times they remember why they are here.  To love on these kids in every way possible.  In daily life being with these kids that we can love on them through having fun with them, sharing in heartaches, even down to disciplining them.  Some of these kids are verbally and physically abused on a daily basis for no reason at all.  We want to discipline these kids, but give them a reason and do it in love. 
You guys are awesome I love you and letters and packages are always welcomed with open arms!  Here is the address.   2559 Walkers Chapel Rd.  Roberta,GA 31078

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