Sunday, May 8, 2011


So this subject has been coming up a ton in my life recently.  And I feel like it's something I need to address from my point of view.   Marriage is such a heavy word, as it should be because it is a LIFETIME commitment to another person.  I feel like Christians from age 18 to 30 have this constant feeling looming over them that they just have to find their wife/husband through church, school, or other ministries.  You feel it from friends, family, maybe even sometimes a pastor will say something that gets you thinking that your mortal clock is ticking and you need to find a significant other to share this life with.  And some of us might even be getting married just to be married(I just want to share that this is not that case with anyone I know, but it could be a very sad reality).There are so many things that have to happen in your life before you can even fathom committing your life to another human being.

First, you need to be married..... haha wait what? you ask.   Well you have to married to Jesus Christ before you even start to think of another person as a future mate.  Guy and Gals alike have of given their hearts over to the Lord to even be able to fathom love.  His love is the best kind you will ever come across.  There is no other that can fulfill your life and soul as much as He does.  So tie the knot with Jesus then let's talk k?

Second, stop looking!  The more you look for a person to be with, the more letdowns you are going to encounter.   Seek the Lord with all your heart and you will find him- Jeremiah 29:13.  If you are truly seeking God  He will reveal to you who you should be with on HIS time, not yours.  In my experience being on a constant search only leads to awkwardness and broken friendships.

Third, and this is for guys,  stop being wuss's! If you are interested in a girl and have prayed about it and it feels like a good time, ask her out!  In our modern society if you take a girl out on a "date" it means your dating, which in my opinion is just silly.   It means you have taken an interest in one another and are seeing if there is any potential for a future relationship.   How can you expect to get to know some one on a more one on one level if you haven't ever just hung out just you and her?  Honestly don't be afraid to ask a girl on a date.  If she says no then respect the fact that she isn't at the point in her walk that she is ready to try dating. Don't get disheartened!  And if she says yes then just relax and be yourself.  That is who she should be interested in anyway.

Lastly I want to leave you with a quote that a good friend told me last week.  Seek your maker, find your mission, wait for your mate.  God has so much in store for you and you just gotta give it up to him and in time he will give you the one you were meant to be with.

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