Thursday, May 26, 2011

Travel and My First Day!

Hey everyone I had some time to sit down so I thought I'd update you on what has happened in the past two days.  So many little tiny obstacles came into my path, but the Lord saw me through it and now I can just laugh at them :)

Travel: So here I am sitting in my plane waiting to take off from PDX when the pilot gets on the intercom.  "Ladies and Gentlemen it seems that the plane in front of us has had some engine trouble, do not panic if you see firetrucks driving past your window."  The plane in front of us was on fire!  The last thing I want to hear right before I take off on not only the longest plane trip of my life, but the only one I have ever taken alone is that this contraption I'm in could burst into flame at any second.   So we sit there for about 10 minutes as they put out the fire(everyone was safe)  and finally hit the runway for takeoff.  This is when I started talking to the lady next to me and figure out what her plans were once we landed in North Carolina.  She was going to the Indy 500, pretty flippin sweet if you ask me.  Anyways I tried to share the gospel a little but this lady was all about the nap on our flight so I left her to hers and I put my earbuds in dozed off as well.  At about 1am our time I wake up and look out my window only to see this massive thunderstorm happening about 50 miles away.  I thought in Oregon they were bad, but from what I could tell wherever it was, was getting pelted with a bolt about every half second. Crazy!  Just goes to show the power of God in our world.  The rest of the pane ride to North Carolina and Atlanta were pretty uneventful.  Then I got into Carrie's car and a whole different adventure began.

So the Camp is about an hour and a half away from Atlanta and we are about an hour into this trip just chatting up and storm and talking about what God has been doing in our lives.  All of sudden the car kind of starts to shudder and lose speed.  Immediately I go into think of where a gas station is mode.  I get about 5 seconds into my thought process and realize I am about 2000 miles away from the closest gas station I could think of.  So that goes out the window.  We come to a slow stop on the shoulder and as luck would have we ran out of gas right next to a weigh station for semi trucks.  So we jaunt over there and tell our awesome story to the nice gentlemen working the booth.  They laugh and of course like the middle aged chaps they are they crack a few jokes.  "You know E stands for empty not enough right?"  After a few chuckles and the story of how this is my first time in Georgia, one of the guys goes to check the gas can to see if they have any extra to get us to the closest station which is literally the next exit as we found out.   Of course God is a jokester and there is no gas in the can, but they are nice enough to offer us a ride the nearest station to get some.   Well there is Carrie and I and the police officer, and only two seats in the front of the patrol car.  Being the gentlemen I am I offer Carrie the front seat and happily hop in the back of the cop car......for the first time.....ever.  Carrie took a few pictures and some video and the rest of that story is bland haha. We get to Camp without anymore trouble after that.

Guys this camp is so much more than I could of asked for.  Like seriously holy smokes I am going to be so blessed to work here this summer.   They have over 200 acres of land to spread out onto and are working on getting another 200.  There is so much stuff here but it is all relatively close.   There is the activity lake where there is the blob, a zipline into the water, and they just started working on a slide that is about 30 feet tall and will shoot you out into the middle of the lake.  Then there is the sports pavilion which is going to house 2 full basketball courts but at the moment is still being worked on.  On the far side of the pavilion is a 20 foot rockwall and a 40 foot rock wall that they have just started building.   Then theres the pool and the older outdoor basketball court with adjustable height rims, can you say dunkfest?   After that there is the high ropes course and archery range along with a canoeing pond which you can fish in as well.  

O I haven't even told you the best part for me.  When I came here I wasn't sure exactly what my living quarters would be.  I was expecting maybe one of the empty cabins, maybe a trailer I would share with a few other guys.  Get this, I have a huge 2 bedroom apartment that I'm going to be sharing with the Men's dean(head counselor) .  It is fully furnished and even has cable tv.    I was floored when I saw it.  I get a queen bed!  I haven't slept in a queen since I was like.....10.  Such a huge blessing.    I can already tell this summer is going to see some crazy growth for me.  I am so excited for everything He is doing in my life....... 

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