Friday, May 6, 2011

Realizing I will always have a ton to say

Hello again everyone. Just had a pretty slow day and figured I would let everyone know about a few more things going on in my life and what has been on my mind as of late.

I've had the privilege over the past few days of talking with a few awesome friends in my life.  On Monday I sat down with Amy Coumas to eat dinner and just discuss some stuff that is happening in our lives and what the summer holds for each of us.  Amy, along with some of my other friends are setting out on June 20th for a mission trip around the United States.  They are called the Road Less Traveled and are just going to be stopping in some cities across the U.S. to take part in helping some communities and even doing some street ministries in a few places.  They are also going to be stopping at Camp Grace for a week which is going to be such a blessing!  I will get to have some friends from home with me for a time and we get to spend the fourth of July together in Georgia, how awesome is that?  They have such awesome hearts for the Lord and the spread of the Gospel.  As they prepare for this journey I'd ask you keep them in your prayers as the trials are starting to come at each of them in full force.  Also Amy shared a great story with me that I might try and adapt into a more serious skit for the kids. 

 Last night I had the great opportunity to sit down(on skype) and talk with Tyler Bierce.  If any of you know him I can already see the smile come across every one of your faces.  It was just awesome to catch up with him and discuss what was in store for each of us in the coming months.  He moved to California after high school and got to sort of reset his life.  He loves everyone here dearly, but at the same time he could would never trade his friends and experiences down there as well.  I can only hope I adapt and feel the same when my time in Georgia comes to an end. 

And finally there is good ole Kevin Keebler.  He is the younger brother of my best friend Brian and over the years him and his brother have just become like family to me.  We can not talk for months and sit down and chat like we have seen each other every day.  He is such a great guy and yet again it was just awesome to catch up and see where his life is going.

Finally I'd just like to share some things that have been heavy on my heart as of late.   Jesus told all of his disciples that they must drop everything, pick up their cross, and follow him.   I don't think I had ever grasped the full meaning of that statement until I found out I would be leaving my home.  So many times in life we have the chance to drop the world and pick up our Savior and we just settle for taking part of Jesus and still following our earthly desires.  Even now as I prepare to pick up my life and move it across the country there are earthly things that will be coming with it.  In this day and age to fully embrace our Lord is in my opinion extremely difficult.  So as you go about your day just think about what parts of your life you are truly doing for His Glory and what you are doing for yourself?

We all have so many idols in our lives that we may never realize that we are worshiping.  The opposite of Christianity isn't atheism, it's idolatry.  I'd encourage you to sit down and make a list of what the idols in your life are (thanks Kyle Hatfield) and see what you can do to make that change.

In closing I just want to reiterate how much I truly do love all of you and this song in the Eugene area may be beaten dead but it is amazing and is truly how I feel.

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