Wednesday, May 4, 2011

T-minus 20 days

Man this thing was much harder to set up than I thought it was.   Well hello friends,family, and all my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I am setting this blog up in the hopes that I can weekly give you updates on what is going on in my life.  What my prayer requests are and just a place where I can tell some sweet stories about my experiences(hopefully)

First Off I should let you guys know where I am headed to!

  I am headed Camp Grace which is located in the town of Roberta, Georgia.  It is about an hour and half south/southeast of Atlanta and has a population of about 1000 people.  I am not really sure of how close a vicinity the camp is to the actual town but I can see myself making a few weekend trips into town to check out the local culture.

The opportunity arose about a month and a half ago that I would actually be able to involved with camp.  An old friend Lucas Farmer( the Camp Director) had made a Facebook post about needing some summer staff and at the time I had a few options of what I wanted to do with my summer, but I really feel like God was calling me to do something out the box.   I contacted Lucas and over the next few weeks we started to actually iron out details and I really started to see that this was something I could actually do and not just dream about.  About three weeks ago we had some time to sit down and chat about what he saw me doing out there and everything about it just felt really awesome.

A day later I filled out the application and emailed it off to him and gave my reference forms to 3 guys I really could trust to be brutally honest about my ability to be out there.  So thanks guys for 1. doing that for me and 2.  getting it done quickly.  Anyways about a week later Lucas called me for a phone interview and over that hour I just felt a strange calm about everything.  At the end of the hour the conversation was winding down and I had myself ready to do some prayer and critical thinking about my chances of actually doing this when Lucas dropped a bombshell on me.  He offered me the job of Program Director on the spot!

At that point I honestly had no idea how I would be getting there, what exactly I would be doing, or where it would lead my life but I accepted the job right there. I have since booked my flight for amazingly cheap and been attempting to prepare my mind,body, and heart for everything that is going to be coming this way.

For the past six months I have gone through a period of such trials that I just would like to thank everyone who has put up with me and loved me in spite of all my downfalls in all of this.  You guys have truly shown me what it means to have a Family in Christ.  You have helped me pick up my cross and I hope in time I can help you carry yours as well.

This has been a long first post and I know it probably has been a pretty rough read through so thanks for sticking around long enough to read it all :)  Just a few things I would ask prayer for: preparation to try and share the Gospel with kids and people that desperately need it.  There are some family matters that I need to tend to and I would really ask for strength to lay down my wall and just love on my parents.  I'm not sure about my mother, but my dad is pretty hostile toward the whole Christianity thing and I just really want to be able to show them the love you and God has granted to me.  And finally some closure for some friendships that I have here.  I know for a fact that I have wronged quite a few people in my day and I know I need to try and mend some broken ties.  

Well that's my friends.  In the coming weeks I am hoping to spend a lot of time with you and others.  Even if you don't know me that well, call me, text me, I'd love to get to know you.



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